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Selectmen Minutes 01/10/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 10, 2006

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

Patty presented the Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally with a Senior Road Scholar plaque.  The Selectmen congratulated David on a job well done.

SUBJECT: Highway Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally advised the Board of Selectmen that he is working on warrant articles and Chairman DeBold will be assisting him regarding additional information that the Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee have requested concerning his budget.

Mr. Kenneally stated that the one ton truck is at Hillsboro Ford, it was recalled. He stated that this is the fourth time the truck has been recalled.  Also, he is going to have some warranty work done on the truck.  He stated that he will be picking up the truck on Thursday.  

Selectman MacCleery said he received a telephone call from a resident who saw someone riding in the Town truck who was not a town employee riding with him.  Mr. Kenneally acknowledged that there was someone with him.  Selectmen MacCleery reminded Mr. Kenneally that no one is permitted to ride in Town vehicles unless they are a Town employee.  Mr. Kenneally asked if Patty could call the insurance carrier and find out what the cost would be to permit a non-employee to ride in a Town vehicle.  Mr. Kenneally stated that when you are out plowing snow for 12 hours it is nice to have some company.  Chairman DeBold asked Patty to call the insurance carrier.

Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Kenneally if he knew about a telephone pole that was snapped.  He said he was told the pole had orange paint on it.  Mr. Kenneally stated he knew about it and asked his plow drivers if he they had hit the pole.  They all told Mr. Kenneally that they had not.  Mr. Kenneally did not see any damage on any of the trucks. Mr. Kenneally stated he went to E.W. Sleeper and gave them the scenario if a wing or plow hit and snapped a telephone pole would there be damage to the wing or plow.  He said he was told that the arm would have been bent and the pins would have been broken.  Mr. Kenneally stated that the damage to the pole was not done by the Town.

SUBJECT: Police Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Police Chief, Patrick Clarke announced that Officer Joshua Wright had a baby girl on January 5, 2006.  Chief Clarke reported that Officer Wright’s first day at the academy did not go well.  He said that all police trainees were given a pink sheet of paper and was told to sign it.  Officer Wright did sign the sheet as instructed and later learned that he signed a letter of resignation.  Chief Clarke said that Officer Wright paid dearly for that mistake by doing an enormous amount of push ups.  

Chief Clarke stated that an error was made regarding Officer Wright’s Social Security.  Contributions should not have been made to Social Security; Officer Wright contributes to New Hampshire Retirement.

Chief Clarke asked the Board of Selectmen if he could purchase a dual cone radar for one of the police vehicles; he said the money would come from Police Equipment Capital Reserve Funds.  He said with dual radar he can catch speeding vehicles in both directions.  He stated that part of the radar would attach to the sun visor and the other half would mount to the rear deck.  He stated that with the purchase of this radar detector of this type will be in each cruiser and there will be an extra radar detector.

Chief Clarke brought up the issue of putting a warrant article together for an additional full-time officer.  Chief Clarke stated that was never done in the past. He remembers that one time a warrant article was used to accept a full time police officer with grant money.  He said he is not in favor of writing a warrant article for a full time police officer; the reason is that he does not want residents to think that this is an option.  He stated that it is important for the Town of Chichester to have another full-time officer.  The budget that Chief Clarke presented includes an additional full-time officer. He stated that it will be difficult to break out the expenses, i.e.  fuel for a full-time officer.  He also stated that it would be difficult to write a warrant article.  Chairman DeBold stated that in the warrant article he could just provide a one lump sum.  Chief Clarke asked if the Board of Selectmen will speak to the Budget Committee about leaving his budget the way it is and not write a warrant article for the additional full-time officer.  Selectman Colbert stated that he would bring it up to the Budget Committee.

SUBJECT: Fire Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Fire Chief, Mike Paveglio presented a survey map of the Safety Building.  He stated that it clearly shows that the fence between the McCormack’s and the Safety Building is clearly on the Town of Chichester’s property.  He stated that the snow needs to be put on that side of the Safety Building and vehicles need to park on that side as well.  He stated that he needs a clear spot so the trucks have easy access to get in and out of the bay.  Chief Paveglio stated that measurements were taken and the town at one time owned the property adjacent to the Safety Building. Chief Paveglio stated that the iron pins are located at the back of the property and it appears that the big tree in the front is on the Town’s Right of Way.  He stated that one reason the fence was put on Town property instead of putting it on the Town line was in case the fence fell, it would have fallen on Town property.  Selectman Colbert advised Mr. Kenneally that the next time there is an issue with the neighbor that whoever the driver is needs to contact Mr. Kenneally and let him handle it.

Chief Paveglio stated that Mr. Peterman’s architect had met with the Planning Board and he was told that the design of the building had to be accepted by the Fire Marshall.  Chairman DeBold asked if Mr. Peterman had been cooperative and Chief Paveglio said yes that Mr. Peterman had been in touch with the Fire Marshall and has been doing everything he needs to do.  Chief Paveglio stated that he would like to see a fireworks ordinance in Town.  Chief Clarke was in agreement with Chief Paveglio.

SUBJECT: Building Inspector

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Building Inspector, Mr. David Paveglio stated that he had received a telephone call from Unitil regarding work on “Gatchell” Road and “Kerry” Drive.  “Gatchell” Road will be located in Mr. Austin’s development.  “Kerry” Drive will be located in Malachy Glen Phase II.  Unitil contacted Mr. Paveglio because they can not begin work until the roads are properly named.  Mr. Paveglio stated that there was a problem with “Kerry” Drive because the road sounds too close to Kara Drive.  9-1-1 has suggested that “Kerry” Road be changed to a different name.  Chief Paveglio and Chief Clarke agreed and stated that they would not accept the name “Kerry” Drive.  Chief Paveglio stated that a letter should be sent to Mr. Mullaney the owner of Malachy Glen Phase II to have the name changed and to submit 2 or 3 names.  He also stated that the road that was going to be named “Kerry” Drive is not a through road and should not be named “North Kerry “ Drive and “South Kerry” Drive each street should have a different name.

Mr. Paveglio asked if a waiver has been drawn up for Mr. Stevens to sign.  He wanted to know if Mr. Stevens will be permitted to build a house on a Class VI road.  Chairman DeBold stated that he is in the process of drafting a waiver and once approved it will be registered at the Merrimack Registry of Deeds.  He stated that the waiver will include that the Town of Chichester will be unable to provide any municipal services such as police, fire or ambulance service.  Chief Paveglio stated that if a call for a medical emergency came in from that address he would have to respond.  Mr. Kenneally asked about bus service for children.  Selectman Colbert stated that the children would have to walk to a bus stop.  Selectman Colbert stated that there will be access to Mr. Stevens’ property by way of Epsom, maybe Mr. Stevens can have Epsom Police or Fire come to his home if needed.

Mr. Paveglio said he had received a telephone call from Mr. Joe Austin regarding being put on the list for building permits.  Mr. Paveglio asked if each unit is a duplex would he be required to have two building permits.  The answer was no because, it is one building.

Mr. Paveglio asked Patty for a current 9-1-1 list.  Patty was uncertain as to what Mr. Paveglio was asking her for.  He stated that he would come in the office on Wednesday and show her what he meant.  Fire Chief Paveglio stated that the Town should have 9-1-1 assist the Town in creating a 9-1-1 directory/map.

SUBJECT: Mr. Alan Mayville

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Mayville met with the Board of Selectmen regarding the Meeting Minutes of December 20, 2005.  He was concerned about the information that was given in the Minutes. Briefly, in those Minutes, Selectman MacCleery had said he received a telephone call from the Stocks who live on Lane Road complaining about Mr. Alan Mayville pushing the snow up against their stone wall and plowing on their property.  Selectman MacCleery had asked Mr. Kenneally if he had spoken to Mr. Mayville.  

Mr. Mayville was concerned because there was no conclusion in those Minutes.  He wanted to set the record straight that he was not found guilty of the accusation.  Chairman DeBold stated there was nothing in the Minutes that was malice from the Board of Selectmen.  He said the Minutes reflect accurately what was said at the Meeting.  Selectman MacCleery said that the members of the Board do not like to receive telephone calls such as this, but when a resident calls the Selectmen must take action.  Mr. Mayville feels that this should not have been in the Minutes.  Mr. Mayville is asking for clarification for the Minutes of December 20, 2005.  He said he wanted these Minutes to reflect that the Stocks complaint was not substantiated.  Mr. Kenneally asked that it go on the record that Mr. Mayville plowed Lane Road properly and in accordance with rules set forth by him; there is no issue with Mr. Mayville’s plowing to this date.

SUBJECT:  Conservation Commission

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Bob Mann and Mr. Jeff Andrews, representing the Conservation Commission, reported back to the Selectmen on their discussions with the Conservation Commission~concerning the possible warrant article for the property survey of the 50 acre~track of land~at Carpenter Memorial Center and~Park.~The warrant~article that~was suggested would have been a joint venture funded by monies from the Conservation Commission, the Parks and Recreation Committee and some monies raised by taxes. Presently, the Town has no definitive survey or real knowledge of what is actually owned which includes a 20 + acre parcel on one side of Bear Hill Road, a 30 +~acre parcel on the other side of Bear Hill Road and a 1 acre parcel between Rte. 28 and the Suncook River.
Mr. Mann reported to the Selectmen that it was~the decision of the Conservation Commission not to use any of~the~Land Conservation Funds~(“LCF”)~to participate in the property survey of the Town lands at Carpenter Memorial Center and Park as they did not believe it was a proper use of the LCF's.

Chairman DeBold stated that he was somewhat disappointed that the Conservation Commission had decided not to participate as he believes that the LCF's are an~appropriate funding source to use to~identify what the Town actually owns so that we can better determine and study the long term use of all Town owned lands.

Chairman DeBold cited RSA36-A:2 which outlines the purpose of Town Conservation Commissions and he read that Conservation Commissions are established "...for the proper utilization and protection of natural resources.." and also  as cited from the same statute that Conservation Commissions~"shall keep an index of all open space....with the plan of obtaining information pertinent to the proper utilization of such areas, including lands owned .... by a town or city.", and also the Conservation Commission~ can develop~ "....a program for the protection, development or better utilization of all such areas."
Following lengthy discussions on this issue,~Mr. Mann suggested that he would bring the "survey project"~request back to the Conservation Commission at their February meeting for~further discussion and~reconsideration, and that the Selectmen would~present to the Conservation Commission their thoughts and position~on what they believe the overall mission of the Conservation Commission should be.

Also discussed was the land that is commonly known as the “Shaw Parcel”.  Mr. Mann wanted to know what decision the Selectmen had reached regarding the care and up keep of the land.  The Selectmen had decided that they would continue to allow Mrs. Patterson’s sheep to graze on the land and reimburse Mr. Fred Shaw for his fuel that he uses to keep the land cropped.  Selectman MacCleery stated that he would like to see the fire department burn the land in the early spring.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Board of Selectmen reviewed the assessing bids.  Selectman MacCleery made a Motion: To award the annual assessing contract to Brett S. Purvis & Associates, Inc. per their bid dated October 21, 2005 as a result of a competitive bid process.  Chairman DeBold seconded the Motion.  A vote was taken and all were in favor.

Briefly discussed was the mediation regarding the trailer located on the property of Mrs. Ann Fournier.  The mediation is to take place on January 12, 2006.  The Board of Selectmen stand firmly by the 1992 Agreement that was signed by Mrs. Fournier and the Town of Chichester.

Selectman MacCleery stated that he had spoken to Mr. Bob Barry’s assistant, Sheri of the Department of Transportation (“DOT”) regarding the bridge grant.  He asked her how long it would take the State to pay for their portion of the bridge.  She said the Town would be paid quickly as the money is already in the budget.  She stated that the bridge must be completed.  Also, she stated that the money the Town has already expended, 80% of it could be reimbursed now.  She stated that they would need proof of payment, copies of the invoices and the bridge project number.

Patty said she spoke to Mr. William Evans of the Department of Environmental Services (“DES”) regarding persons living year round at Hillcrest Campground.  Mr. Evans told Patty that Hillcrest is not year round facility.  He stated that the owner of Hillcrest Campground could submit subdivision plans; septic approval; etc for the campground to become a year round campground.  He told Patty that it would no longer be considered a campground, but a low-income housing/mobile home park.  He advised Patty to write a letter to his enforcement officer, Mr. Richard de Seve and ask him for assistance.  He also advised Patty to contact the Town Attorney.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

The Minutes from January 3, 2006 were reviewed and approved.

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 11:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert